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What to Do If You Get Denied SSDI When You Have Cancer

 Posted on December 27,2023 in Social Security Disability

Plano SSDI lawyerCoping with a cancer diagnosis proves physically and emotionally devastating enough without financial constraints compounding hardships. Yet over 60% of initial Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claims from individuals with cancer get denied, jeopardizing income security during treatments. Challenging rejections can often have the potential to appeal. A Texas SSDI lawyer can help with this overwhelming process.

Gather Additional Medical Documentation

SSDI denials for cancer patients frequently cite insufficient evidence confirming diagnoses, treatment regimens showing condition severity, or doctor statements explicitly stating cancer prevents working full-time. Before appealing, request detailed reports from oncologists, surgeons, hospitals, and therapists clearly conveying ongoing care necessity, side effects impairing daily function, and inability to maintain employment during illness battle.

Submit Medication and Expenses Records

You should also provide pharmacy printouts documenting expensive anticancer drugs prescribed to fight disease progression plus summaries of medical bills already incurred from surgeries, hospitalizations, clinical visits, and labs to convey financial duress justifying SSDI benefits access. Ongoing treatment and cost evidence compound disability arguments when reconsideration requests address previous application shortcomings.

Account for Mental Health Impacts

Cancer often requires counseling to process emotional traumas surrounding body changes, life uncertainty, and shifting limitations against formerly active lifestyles. Secure psychotherapist or social worker statements quantifying mental health declines tied to cancer, which further preclude reliably attending work daily. Noting depression and anxiety consequences garners additional credibility, securing approval upon appeal tries.

Understand Compassionate Allowances

For fast-progressing cancers, request hospital assistance applying under Social Security’s Compassionate Allowances program, expediting decisions for dire conditions like acute leukemia, brain tumors, or late-state melanomas. Meeting specified medical criteria prompts approvals within weeks rather than standard months after conventional denials. Ask attorneys whether your diagnosis qualifies under granted exceptions.

Consider a Hearing for Personal Explanations

Should SSDI denials persist after both initial and reconsideration appeals, request an administrative law judge hearing allowing you and your attorney to explain in person how specifically cancer prevents working. Oral testimony directly from those enduring pain and exhaustion beyond medicine relief powerfully conveys realities that documentation alone may miss, garnering sympathies potentially helping decisions favorably if previous appeal attempts were not going well.

Do Not Lose Hope After Initial Denials

Unfortunately, statistics show over half of legitimate SSDI claims face rejections the first time. However, by diligently amassing additional medical evidence and personal testimonies and understanding which Social Security provisions apply for catastrophic diseases like cancer, approvals often follow during the multi-step appeals process. Persistence pays off by eventually bringing financial support during complex treatments. Partnership with a disability attorney may help to expedite navigating procedural complexities.

Contact a Plano, TX SSDI Lawyer

The SSDI process can be lengthy and complex. Having a Dallas, TX SSDI attorney in your corner can help you know what next step could benefit you the most. Call The Law Offices of Coats & Todd at 972-671-9922 for a free case evaluation.

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