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What Information Is Needed in My Social Security Disability Application?

 Posted on August 22, 2022 in Social Security Disability

Dallas Social Security disability lawyerLife is often difficult for those who suffer from disabilities. One of the many forms of assistance offered by the federal government is financial help through Social Security. The Social Security Administration (SSA) oversees two such programs: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

The SSA gets tens of thousands of applications for each program every year, but not all applicants are approved. In many cases, the information provided in the application was either incorrect or insufficient to allow the claim to move forward. When you are applying for Social Security benefits, you need to have the required information prepared, organized, and included with your application.

Personal Data

The first set of required information is that which identifies you and provides details about your personal background. This includes your name, date of birth, place of birth, and Social Security number. You will also need to include your veteran status, if applicable. If you have a spouse and children, you must provide identifying information for them as well and include the date of your marriage or divorce if either of those applies to you.

Medical Conditions

When you are applying for disability benefits, the SSA needs to know about the condition that has left you disabled. You must list any and all illnesses, injuries, or conditions that keep you from working at your full capacity. Be prepared to provide a list of the medical providers, clinics, and facilities that treat your conditions, as well as the dates of services rendered. The SSA will also want to review the medications you are taking and the tests that you have undergone in relation to your disability.

Your Work History

Finally, your application must include information about your working history. You must provide your annual income from the last several years, as well as your employer’s name and address. If you were in the armed forces, you should include your service history. The SSA will also be interested in your last 15 years of employment and whether you plan on applying for workers’ compensation for your disabling condition.

Speak With a North Texas Social Security Disability Lawyer Today

The information listed above is the bare minimum for your Social Security disability application, and an experienced Dallas SSDI benefits attorney can help you with other information that supports your claim. Call 972-671-9922 for a free case evaluation with a member of the team at The Law Offices of Coats & Todd to get started on your application today.



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