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How Much Could I Receive in Social Security Disability Benefits?

 Posted on February 20,2023 in Social Security Disability

Dallas SSDI Benefits AttorneyIf you are disabled and unable to work, you may be wondering if you are eligible for Social Security disability benefits. The answer depends on a number of factors, including the condition from which you suffer and how it has affected your ability to maintain gainful employment. If you are approved for SSDI benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) must then determine the amount you will receive in monthly payments. An experienced disability attorney can help you understand how much you could potentially receive in Social Security disability benefits.

What Types of Medical Conditions Qualify for SSDI Benefits?

There are many medical conditions that may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, including those caused by physical, mental, or emotional issues. Those suffering from a medical disorder such as muscular dystrophy, a severe cardiovascular condition, lupus, diabetes, and certain types of cancers are likely to be eligible if the medical issue prevents substantial gainful activity for at least 12 consecutive months.

Medical impairments that are not listed by the Social Security Administration could still qualify if they are deemed to be the equivalent of an impairment listed under the guidelines. To determine whether or not you may qualify for SSDI benefits due to a medical condition, it is highly recommended that you seek help from an experienced disability attorney who can assess your disability situation and assist you in filing your claim.

How Are SSDI Benefits Calculated?

When disability claimants apply for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits, the most important factor in determining eligibility is the individual’s work history. The amount of SSDI benefits that a disabled person can receive depends upon their past earnings, so the longer and more consistently an applicant has worked, the better their chances of receiving a higher benefit amount. The lookback period for covered earnings includes the disabled person’s entire adult working career.

However, even workers with a spotty lifetime work record may still be able to get disability benefits—if they can demonstrate that impairment kept them from working enough to meet the Social Security Administration's disability requirements. With this in mind, it is extremely important for disability applicants to properly document their disability and any prior employment they have had throughout their career.

A North Texas Social Security Disability Benefits Attorney Can Help

If you are disabled and trying to obtain benefits through Social Security Disability Insurance, contact an experienced Dallas SSDI benefits lawyer for help. At The Law Offices of Coats & Todd, we are equipped to help you navigate the application process and get you the benefits you deserve. Call 972-671-9922 for a free case evaluation with a member of our team today.




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