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A Simple Guide to Triumph Over Mental Health Hurdles in SSDI Claims

 Posted on August 08,2023 in Social Security Disability

Dallas, TX social security disability lawyer

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be tricky. Individuals with mental health conditions have an even harder time applying. Why? Because mental illnesses are often hidden. The most important part of this claim is proof. Let's take a deep dive into these unique obstacles and what we can do to strengthen the claims.

Can I Get Disability for Anxiety and Depression in Texas?

The Social Security Administration recognizes anxiety as a disability. But you must verify that this condition interferes with your ability to work full-time. The same goes for depression. You must provide evidence that your mental illness impairs your ability to work full-time. Since these disabilities are not readily visible, applicants may face skepticism. Demonstrating the severity of mental health conditions with detailed documentation and legal representation can improve the outcome and ensure that your rights are protected.

Is It Hard to Get SSDI for Mental Illness?

A Social Security Disability attorney can gather medical records to support the SSDI claim. Many applicants struggle to collect these records and might lack the expertise to present them effectively. An experienced disability attorney can work closely with clients and their medical providers to ensure all necessary evidence is obtained and properly submitted. Here are a few documents that will be useful to have in your case:

  • Hospitalization Records 

  • Psychological evaluations/tests 

  • Doctor's reports

What Mental Illnesses Qualify for Disability in Texas?

The SSA uses something called the “Blue Book,” a complete list of disabilities deemed severe enough to prevent someone from working. It also outlines the medical documents needed to determine an individual's eligibility. There are a few mental health disorders included in the Blue Book. Check out the list below for details:

  • Anxiety Disorders 

  • Autism and other related disorders 

  • Personality disorders 

  • Schizophrenia, paranoia, and other psychotic disorders 

  • Organic Mental Disorders: Alzheimer's disease, Amnesia, Dementia

  • Intellectual disabilities

If you did not find your mental condition in the list above, do not worry. Several others are listed entirely in the Blue Book, and with the help of an experienced attorney, you can create a solid SSDI application.  

Contact a Dallas, TX Social Security Disability Attorney 

Unfortunately, many initial SSDI claims for mental health issues are refused. A denial, however, is not the end of the journey. Attorneys with SSDI legal knowledge can help. They can gather additional evidence, present new arguments, and represent their client at hearings. For assistance, contact one of our skilled Collin County social security disability lawyers from The Law Offices of Coats & Todd. Call 972-671-9922 for a free case evaluation.



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